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Who even am I?

Who even am I?

I started this site almost two years ago. So much has changed since then. I’m not even going to bother mentioning what. What matters is, “here” is a different place than it was two years ago. And I am a different person. Back when I was writing before, I did a lot of...
I’m taking a break.

I’m taking a break.

Hi.About a week from now is the one-year anniversary of this site. Happy birthday, site. I didn’t bake you a cake. Maybe I should. You’ve been through a lot this first year of your life. In the past year, this site has been visited by ~18,000 people....
Are new gender labels just silly fads?

Are new gender labels just silly fads?

There are loads of labels for gender identity, and more keep emerging. Each label provides a way of grouping people by some sort of shared attribute. Some people are really into labels, and how they provide conceptual “bins” to sort ideas into. Others...
Why are we confusing kids with gender labels?

Why are we confusing kids with gender labels?

A lot of people tell me that it’s confusing for kids to learn about different labels for gender outside of just “boy” and “girl.”  I agree that gender labels are confusing kids, but not in the way that many adults think. When I was born, I was given a label that...
The tricky process of figuring out I was transgender

The tricky process of figuring out I was transgender

It took me a long time to figure out that I was transgender and admit it was true. But why did it take me so long? When you’re trans, you should just know, right? Well, kind of. It’s complicated. I did know—but I didn’t know how to interpret what I knew. ...